
izmel, one of my good friends from MCKK has lost his dearest father yesterday due to sinus cancer. dino was kindly enough to bring this news up in his entry . i tried to called him for confirmation ( sebab tak nak jadi cam kes shafiq salam ) but he keeps rejecting my phone calls. so i tried calling gon instead.

" hello gon, ko tgh wtpe?"
" aku tgh keje ni, nape? "
" wei aku dgr bpk jemel meninggal, tul ke?"
" aa, semalam. sbb cancer "
" die ok? aku try coll die tp die x agkt"
" die sibuk la tu nk settle2kn bende. wei npe sore ko laen?"
" oo..haha..sibok la ko ngan sore aku "

Izmel was one of my closest friends at koleq and we shared many wonderful memory together. be brave izmel. believe that God has plan for all of us and trust in Him. all you can do right now is pray that your father's soul may rest in peace. alfatihah.

1 critics:

Anonymous said...

Al Fatihah..