
I need real foods.

The other day I tried to make chicken in red sauce but I couldn't found any chili paste here. So what I did was I blend some of the dried chilis, (cili kering in english is dried chili kah?), and replaced it with chili paste. I though it would work but my chicken in red sauce, at the end, turns out to be very hot because of the chilis. Hoho.

I ate it anyway knowing that it is hot. If I were my mum, I would definitely know how to reduce the hotness of the chilis.

The point I'm trying to make is I miss my mum's cooking terribly. =(
I wish my mum is here to cook for me.
That would make my life easier. Haha.

13 critics:

Anonymous said...

oit..blaja masak la ngok.
penat je mak ko wat blog..haha

ikmal afif said...

aku tengah belaja la ni
ko igt sekejap je ke boleh pandai?

Z. said...

tu laa org suruh belajar masak sebelum pergi, taknak. ish ish ish.
masak ayam taruk dlm sos cili sudeyyy

Anonymous said...

goreng ayam..pastu buboh sos byk2..kn da jd ayam masak merah.haha

ikmal afif said...

boleh ek way camtu?
haha ok2 nnt try =P

Anonymous said...

hoi..aku tipu je la..haha

NURUL said...

haha tp buleh la.just cut some onions n garlic,goreng sket, tuang sos cili, tomato sket kalau.. rase la,xcukup masin,tmbah garam...hahaa! apsal ajar msk kt cni plak ni

selamat mencuba! =P

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

cian..cuba lg msak nti bah.:)

supernova said...


~niesa~ said...

oit..aku dah jumpa cili kering msia:p...g cari kat tai son kat the moor or london road...terbaek..mmg best:)

wAnzAhidi said...

pedas letak gula la bang..tawar letak garam..adoi.

A m a l said...

kimal is the chef in waiting...haha...good luck2...